Sunday, January 12, 2014

And so another adventure begins

Well I have been remiss on posting. We had left the boat in November in Savannah, GA and had it bottom painted. So our trip to our starting point was a short 8 hours. Our new adventure starts off at Palm Island Marina, in Placida, FL. We will be here until Febreuary 10th and then be on the move down to Marathon and then up the east coast to Vero Beach and then across Lake Okechobee and swing back up to Palm Island. Plans can change so they are all tentative. We have done some of this cruising before so I won't  bore you with old sights.  Between January 25th to February 2nd we will fly out to St. Martin where we rented a catamaran with three other couples. If anything good is going on out there I will make a post. So until something of interest happens I won't be posting.

We were in the penthouse for a few short minutes. Very scary seeing your living quarters for the winter in a perilous position!