We made it to Apalachacola, FL. and completed another adventure. Since our last post the trip included meeting up with a friend of mine from grade school at Sacred Heart. I had not seen Gerry in 46 years. We both looked the same, not!
We also went to the naval air museum in Pensacola. Our timing was great because the Blue Angels were practicing for a show, so we got to see some great maneuvers. Unfortunately, I can't post videos here, but I will on Facebook.
We stopped short of what is called the big bend crossing, which is about 120 miles in the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe next year's fall trip will include that. It is always a night crossing taking 15 hours non-stop at night.
Yesterday we rented a car and drove to Mobile to pick up our rigs and head back to Apilachacola. Today we load up the boat and head to Leesburg, FL where we will clean the boat, do some maintenance and get it ready for the 5 week layover while we head north for the holidays. We will stay 3 days at Rich's dad's house while we do this and then trailer the boat to Placida, FL where it will be in storage until we get back.
Fuel consumed - 195.65 gallons
Miles traveled - 877 statute miles
Miles per gallon - 4.53
Average speed - 6.98 mph
Hours - 125.7
A two more pictures since I last posted
Gerry Rusinski and I after 46 years of life. It seemed like yesterday. What is interesting is that everyone I meet from grade school will always bring up Sister Thadius, the Spanish teacher. She was the cruelest person on earth and we all have memories of her tortoure. If there is a hell I am sure she is there.
One thing about cruising is every morning you have a different sunrise and sunset and you always think the one you are looking at is the best one.